Business Law Weekly (BLW) Feedback Survey

Here are simple survey questions to gather feedback on improving attendance at the Business Law Weekly (BLW) webinars:

BLW Feedback Survey
1. How often would you prefer the BLW webinars to be held?
2. Which weekday would you find most convenient for attending BLW webinars?
3. What time of day would you prefer for the BLW webinars?
4. What topics would you like future BLW webinars to focus on?
5. What do you think about the duration of the current BLW webinars (60 minutes)?
6. What format do you prefer for BLW
7. What challenges prevent you from attending BLW webinars regularly?
8. How would you rate the quality of the speakers and presentations in past BLW webinars?
9. What could we improve to make BLW webinars more engaging and relevant for you?
10. How would you prefer to receive reminders and updates about upcoming BLW webinars?
Please rank your preferences above, using a scale of 1 to 4; with 1 indicating your most preferred option and 4 your least preferred option. You can rearrange your completed options by dragging and dropping.
11. What is your current role?

Please give us your candid feedback to help us serve you better.


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